Here's my entry for Pixar Renderman's ShipShape Competition. I love these competitions because they create such an incredible community of artists and the Renderman team always has great feedback to offer.
This project was a blast from the start. The models had so much character to begin with. For the story I wanted the robot character to have this "silver lining" moment. After working hard during the day he drifts up above the clouds to find some peace above the bustling city and finds a bit of magic.
-Assembled the scene in Maya
-Created the sims for the cloud and smoke in Houdini and then exported them as VDB's into Maya
-Textured in Substance Painter
-Lighting and Tendering in Maya with Renderman
-Composited in Davinci Resolve Fusion
Turntable & Composite Layers
Final Image

Ship concept by Ian McQue. Robot concept by Ruslan Safarov. Models by Cheyenne Chapel, Aliya Chen, Damian Kwiatkowski, Alyssa Minko, Anthony Muscarella, and Miguel Zozaya © Disney/Pixar - Renderman "Shipshape" Art Challenge